There are many great resources online here are some good ones. Many hours of video and audio on YouTube. You can listen to YouTube videos on many phones without actually watching them and even have the screen off. There are also many podcasts on permaculture, farming and ranching to be inspired by and to learn from.
Great people to learn from:
- Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms he sets the standard for pastured poultry, beef and pork. He has written great books and there are lots of YouTube videos of him showing and explaining how they accomplish so much. Check out his site for more resources as well!
- Mark Shepard – his book is good as well as his video New Forest Farm
- Ben Falk – Whole Systems Design
- Darren Doherty – Permaculture and keyline design
Search for most things Permaculture
Any videos or podcasts with Geoff Lawton or Bill Mollison are usually great. Geoff Lawton offers an online PDC (permaculture design class) once a year. offers many 10 minute videos of different permaculture projects.
Very popular greening the desert video with Geoff Lawton
Regen Farms has cows because we listened to many hours of Greg Judy and Ian Mitchell-Innes. The benefits of the animals for the soil and thus the plants is immeasurable. I’m convinced that using Mob Grazing and Hollistic management can benefit ranchers as well as farms.
Video 1 of 11 of Iain
Hollistic Management Allan Savory Ted Talk
Hollistic Management Allan Savory
Soil Food Web – Dr. Elaine Ingham has online classes and knows, shares and teaches a lot on this topic here is her website:
There are hours and hours of her on youtube. The audio might not be the best but this is the first of many hours of her teaching.
Popular forums for permaculture, growing and many other topics.
Podcast on modern survivalism including quite a bit on permaculture and a forum:
Permies Forum and podcast:
Podcast with many people running permaculture business: Permaculture Voices
John D Liu – large scale restoration – amazing how the barren hills are now all green with water flowing down them.
- Good place to list your permaculture project and to find others: Permaculture Global
Biochar – if you have scrap wood might as well make some to help your soil life.