Photos Poly tunnel Colorado July 2015 Siberian pea shrub seedlings for nitrogen fixing at RegenFarms 2015 Rhubarb planting now with weed block Garlic harvest Colorado at RegenFarms Hardneck Garlic Bulbilsin Colorado Cold Hardy Kiwi in Colorado Deer munched some of the cold hardy kiwi Deer munched some of my young apple trees A second swarm for 2015 and this one for the farm A second swarm for 2015 and this one for the farm The easy way to pluck chicken feathers 2015. 2015 getting the scalding water to 145 degrees. Meat chickens exploring The chickens escaped the chicken tractor Cornish Cross chickens in the chicken tractor 2015 2015 raised bed mixed with perlite organic soil and sand 2015 baby bee who survived longer than the actual bees. 2015 bees which look alive but are not. Compost pile of leaves with some cow manure. Compost being layered with grass clippings. 2015 swarm coming to the homestead. Many of the bees were dead to begin with in 2015. mulberry and elderberry cuttings taking root 2015. Checking the roots of the 2015 cuttings. Good root growth on the 2015 planted cuttings of elderberry. Rooting cuttings 2015 Good growth on the 2015 planted cuttings of elderberry. Some of the 2015 cuttings were kept under a plastic bag. Some of the cuttings did not root at all. 2015 cuttings which were covered and died maybe from fungus. 2015 free mulch from Douglas county colorado. 2015 hard neck garlic growing at the homestead. 2015 garlic, asparagus, comfrey and strawberries growing in the garden. 2015 cold hardy kiwi plants, 1 male and 4 female plants. Cold hardy kiwi and their pot to plant them in. 2015 6 pound meat chicken 2015 5 pound meat chicken 2015 St laramie strawberries some of the 300 planted. Thistle roots at the homestead 2015 2015 meat chicks looking for bugs Potted mulberry cutting needing some water 2015 asparagus in Colorado that came up before a snow rooting mulberry cuttings with mold A bit of yellow on the leaves of the 2015 garlic crop Asparagus coming up early in 2015 The first 4 meat chicks of 2015 getting some outside time sheet mulched potatoe bed covered with pine needles 2015 sheet mulched potatoes being planted Organic soil we are using for many plantings like rhubarb Rhubarb planting 2015 Soaking rhubarb roots for 2015 planting daffodil flowers showing up spring 2015 to keep pocket gophers away Nova elderberry cuttings we are trying to root 2015 Elderberry cuttings being scratched and dipped in rooting hormone 2014 cherry planting coming up spring 2015 2015 grafting of apples from gopher damaged trees 2015 grafting omega cut from tool 2015 meat chickens on the prowl 2015 Rhubarb planting On the high plains of Colorado One of many 2015 hail storms did a number on the rhubarb and comfrey Cheap chicken water was replaced by the Plasson Drinker Nitrogen fixer planted last year in the 2014 food forest swale 2015 new bee packages failure 2014 Eldeberry still alive after a bit of time with the cows. 2015 sheet mulch potatoes at RegenFarms on the high plains of Colorado Beginning of sheet mulch grown potatoes Beginning of sheet mulch grown potatoes 2015 Garlic handling the Colorado Spring Comfrey wondering why it is in snow along with a rhubarb leaf 2015 Garlic playing in the snow in Colorado 2015 meat chickens in their outdoor chicken tractor raised bed for 2015 plantings A black spider with a white dot Rooting hormone used on cuttings Accidentally broke off a sea berry limb so we will try to root it sea berry rooting sized its alive in 2015 but I forget what it is, probably an apple Poorly packaged plants from DirectGardening 2015 2015 plants from directGardening without any soil Cold hardy kiwis from direct gardening in pots 2015 bees that all looked alive but were not Not sure what this is but maybe a baby bee? Another photo of the frozen looking bees Cold hardy kiwis we hope will grow in Colorado Cold hardy kiwis will live in a pot for a year or two The potted mulberry tree looks like it has been munched by a deer 2015 St Laramie strawberry plants Weird roots that we found, thought they were some kind of egg to begin with 2015 chicken processing, the easy way to remove feathers 2015 sheet mulched potatoes growing up the 4 2015 meat chickens in the tractor with the Plasson drinker Mixing the raised bed with some perilite Cuttings we are going to root in 2015 2015 sheet mulched potato beds covered with pine needles 2015 sheet mulched potato beds 2015 seed potatoes cut so they can cure for a day before planting 2015 seed potatoes cut and cured A photo of baby chicks that are to hot Snow Flake the broody hen with a couple of fertilized eggs. Broody hen with water and food cups. Hay feed in the pasture where we want to add more ground cover/litter. Apple trees grown from seeds. sea berry, sea buckthorn cuttings with rooting hormones. These cuttings started growing without forming any roots sea berry, sea buckthorn cuttings without roots after several monts Pocket Gopher killed trees spring 2014 food forest at RegenFarms Hawk and falcon perch added to help control vols and pocket gophers fruit tree roots eaten by pocket gophers on the high plains of Colorado Cow manure for compost from the mini herefords at Giving the mini Herefords hay out in the pasture where we want to add ground litter Colorado mob grazers checking out the composting leaves Lots of worms in one of the piles of leaves at RegenFarms A couple of worms in and under bags of 1year old leave Finding and fixing the barbed wire fence Pinion Pine the 1st winter after planting. North fence at Regen Farms missing the top wire Hay rack for cows Cows in a new mob grazing paddock A view of the polycarbonate panel from inside the coop at dusk Polycarbonate panel on chicken coop for solar heat gain Grass roots and leaves used to cover swale Grass roots formed in trash bag of leaves Sea berry cutting taking root and looking like it will have many leaves Sea berry cutting taking root This is the mouse who was hiding all the chicken feed and living in the chicken coop. I finally fnished planting German Extra Hardy garlic the second week of December. I finally fnished planting the Romanian Red Porcelain garlic the second week of December. A bear scratch on the apple tree Sea minerals for the cows A pile of leaves for the chickens Adding leaves to the trees Adding leaves to the asparagus patch 2 Salamanders found of the eastern plains of Colorado Clump of bees still alive Mini Herefords on eastern plains of Colorado Half bushel bags of garlic for planting Garlic planted and covered with leaves New Garlic area at Regen farms Garlic bed amended with biochar, sea minerals and year old leaves German Extra Hardy Porcelain Organic Hard neck garlic being planted at RegenFarms Tilling for garlic A tiller at a permaculture farm Sprouted sea Berry sea buckthorn seeds Germinating sea Bert sea buckthorn seeds Hope you had a great meeting Sea buckthorn cutting for propagation Sea berry sea buckthorn cuttings Sea berry on high plains east of Denver Mouse stealing chicken food Stolen chicken feed found Critter packing materials chicken food thief Chicken molting and losing feathers Pine tree with brown dead needles close up Pine tree with brown dead needles Year old leaf pile with worms on backside of swale Fruit trees with wire for deer protection Fruit tree with wire for deer protection Common vetch on food forest swale Clover sprouting for food forest swale cover 2014 food forest swale that was seeded and covered weeks ago. Bio char steaming after a water spray Biochar in keg retort Apple tree planted in mud Apple tree root ball before planting Raspberries transplant bucket headed to the new homestead Sea Minerals I brought a bit more wood out for the rest of the swale for the 2014 Food Forest Narrow leaf plaintain flower Is this narrow leaf plantain Long Leaf Plantain Condensation on the edge of the leaves Two large sunflowers on the 2014 swale Bright black oil sunflower on the swale at RegenFarms Large mature sunflower on the high plains east of Denver Colorado Vegetable on the swale Sunflowers in full bloom on the 2014 swale Wild flower on the food forest swale on the high plains of Colorado Wild flowers planted as cover crop on the 2014 food forest swale Goji berries at RegenFarms Split cabbage vs. not split cabbage Bee hive stand Sunflower on a food forest swale Swale cover crops including sunflowers Goji Berry Flower Purple 17 Ladybugs in bush Cabbage Planted last year Black Locust seedling leafed out in July Common Vetch with purple flowers Sunflower seed head before bloom July 2014 food forest swale on the eastern plains of Colorado 2014 year of the lady bug in Colorado Asparagus with orange lady bug maybe Paw Paw seedling not happy on eastern plains of Colorado Comfrey Bocking 4 root cuttings the spring after planting Sheet Mulched Potato Patch with Flowers Comfrey Bocking 4 before splitting and cutting off root cuttings